About CAPP

The CAPP database is based on national oral health surveys, publications from national health bulletins and personal communications. Additionally, the dentition status information, as well as periodontal diseases information, have been retrieved from bibliography databases such as PubMed and Google.

The data presented in the CAPP follow the WHO publication- “Oral Health Survey Basic Methods”; however, exceptions are made for those countries that have no data, in which case data that do not conform to the WHO “Oral Health Survey Basic Methods” may be presented in the database.

History of CAPP

The WHO Oral Health "Country/Area Profile Programme" (since 2011, Country/Area Profile Project), - the "CAPP", was established at the WHO Collaborating Centre for Education, Training and Research at the Faculty of Odontology, Malmö, Sweden, in 1995. Before that, extensive consultations had taken place with the WHO Noncommunicable Diseases Cluster, Geneva, and with several WHO Collaborating Centres, organizations and individuals around the world. Our objective is to present information on dental diseases and oral health services for various countries/areas. A server for Periodontal conditions is located at Niigata University, Japan.

The CAPP server was installed at Lund University in December 1995 and data first entered in January 1996. The initial costs for the server and for running the project in 1996 were covered by support from Lund University, the SPPP project and by grants from Unilever Research, UK, and Colgate-Palmolive Company, USA. During its first year of operation, the server was approached by more than 15.000 computers from all over the world.

In January 1 1999, the WHO Collaborating Centre at Faculty of Odontology was transferred from Lund University to the new Malmö University. In March 2000, the server had, as an average, about 3000 completed requests per 24 hours and in October 2002, we had more than 5200 requests per day. In September 2003, after almost 8 years of service, the main server was replaced by a new one, starting up September 8, 2003. From September 2003 to December 2009, there were 823,636 "Distinct hosts" served and 15,450,025 "Succesful requests" made according to the log.

In 2011 May, the CAPP database website was re-designed and appears as part of the Malmo University main website. CAPP is updated and expanded continuously, with monthly updates that are presented every end of the month.

Citations and visitors

CAPP is yearly cited by articles, theses, essays and reports with up to 70-80 citations per year.

Yearly, there are around 30.000 visitors to the CAPP database.

Citations 2024

  1. Bhongade, B. A., Ali, A. A., Makade, C. S., & Dayaramani, R. A. (2024). A Comparative Study of Practice, Perception, and Attitude of Undergraduate Healthcare Students towards Toothbrush Selection, Maintenance and Replacement in RAS Al-Khaimah, United Arab Emirates. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice24(12), 974-980.
  2. Campusa, G., Giacamanc, R. A., & Carvalhod, J. C. Epidemiology of Coronal Caries. Coronal Caries, 4.
  3. Chaudhary, F. A., Ahmad, B., Arjumand, B., & Alharkan, H. M. (2024). The Association Between Economic Status and Religious Identity With Oral Health Disparities and Inequalities Around the World. Cureus, 16(1).
  4. Park, S. A., Lim, J. N., & Lee, J. Y. (2024, March). Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Children’s Dental Care Programs: A Retrospective Study. In Healthcare (Vol. 12, No. 7, p. 721). MDPI.
  5. Schmoeckel, J., Wahl, G., Santamaría, R. M., Basner, R., Schankath, E., & Splieth, C. H. (2024). Influence of School Type and Class Level on Mean Caries Experience in 12-Year-Olds in Serial Cross-Sectional National Oral Health Survey in Germany—Proposal to Adjust for Selection Bias. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21(4), 467.

Citations 2023

  1. Abdulridha Taha Sarhan, M. A., Hassan, H., & Hassan, H. (2023) Prevalence of Dental Caries and Related Factors among Patients Attending Dental Clinics in Dentistry Department-Hilla University College, Iraq.
  2. Akera, P. (2023). Oral health among primary school children in rural and urban areas in Gulu district, northern Uganda (Doctoral dissertation, UNSW Sydney).
  3. Archuleta, J., & Beltrán-Sánchez, H. (2023). The impact of Education and Insurance Status on Past-Year Dental visits among older mexican adults: results from the 2001 and 2012 Mexican Health and Aging Study. Journal of Aging and Health35(9), 708-726.
  4. Bakarcic, D., Vlah, N., Jokic, N. I., Jankovic, S., Zubalj, N. D., Kresina, S., ... & Kresina, H. G. (2023). Oral Health Promotion Model Implemented in Primorje-Gorski Kotar County, Croatia.
  5. Baldacci, Q. H. D. S. (2023). Associação entre saúde bucal e os indicadores de privação material e desigualdade socioeconômica: uma análise global.
  7. Deng, B., McGrath, C., & Jiang, C. M. (2023). Schoolchildren's Oral Health Along the Belt and Road. International Dental Journal.
  8. Dinesh, D., Imran, K., Vijayaraghavalu, S., Khan, M. S., & Nikesh, V. V. In vitro Evaluation of Antibiofilm Activity of Methanolic Leaf Extract of Azadirachta indica on Cariogenic Streptococcus mutans. (2023)
  9. Domene, F. M., De Lucca, J., & Da Silva, T. S. T. (2023). Políticas e programas de promoção da saúde em países com sistemas públicos universais de saúde.
  10. Fernández-Bonet, J., Marichalar-Mendia, X., & Lertxundi-Manterola, A. (2023). Childhood dental caries experience in northern Spain: a cross-sectional study. European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry24(1), 95-103.
  11. Foote, T., Willis, L., & Lin, T. K. (2023). National Oral Health Policy and Financing and Dental Health Status in 19 Countries. international dental journal73(3), 449-455.
  12. Glavina, A., Božić, I., Parat, K., Perković, D., Biočina-Lukenda, D., Martinović Kaliterna, D., & Radić, M. (2023). Salivary Flow Rate and Oral Status in Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome and Diffuse Cutaneous Systemic Sclerosis: A Cross-Sectional Study. Diagnostics13(6), 1057.
  13. Glavina, A., Božić, I., Parat, K., Perković, D., Biočina-Lukenda, D., Martinović Kaliterna, D., & Radić, M. (2023). The Croatian primary Sjögren’s disease oral health study: oral status and oral health-related quality of life. Journal of clinical medicine, 12(14), 4804.
  14. Goetz, K., Winkelmann, W., & Steinhäuser, J. (2023) Journal of Oral Health and Diseases.
  15. Groisman, S., de Soet, J. J., & Volgenant, C. M. C. (2023). The Prevalence and Severity of Dental Caries Among Pregnant Women in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 1-6.
  16. Hagens, E. R., Preatoni, S. M., Bazzini, E. M., Akam, D., McKalip, K. S., LaBrot, B., & Cagetti, M. G. (2023). Oral Health Status of Ngäbe-Buglé Children in Panama: A Cross Sectional Study. Children10(2), 294.
  17. Hajdu, T., Kertesi, G., & Fadgyas-Freyler, P. (2023). Társadalmi különbségek a magyarországi gyerekek fogainak állapotában és egészségmagatartásában. Közgazdasági Szemle70(5), 453-516.
  18. Henschke, C., Winkelmann, J., Eriksen, A. G., Pérez, E. O., & Klingenberger, D. (2023). Oral health status and coverage of oral health care: A five-country comparison. Health Policy, 104913.
  19. Kanareli, C., Balazuc-Armbruster, M., Tsolakis, I. A., Kanarelis, T., & Tsolakis, A. I. (2023). Full Mouth Treatment of Early Childhood Caries with Zirconia Dental Crowns: A Case Report. Children10(3), 488.
  20. Kiuchi, S., Aida, J., Cooray, U., Osaka, K., Chan, A., Malhotra, R., & Peres, M. A. (2023). Education‐related inequalities in oral health among older adults: Comparing Singapore and Japan. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology.
  21. Mazur, M., Corridore, D., Ndokaj, A., Ardan, R., Vozza, I., Babajko, S., & Jedeon, K. (2023, June). MIH and Dental Caries in Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. In Healthcare (Vol. 11, No. 12, p. 1795). MDPI.
  22. Nazir, M. A., AlHumaid, J., & Alhareky, M. (2022). Global caries experience in children and its relationship with government expenditures on education and health, sugar consumption, and years of schooling: An ecological study. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 82(4), 372-377.
  23. Nguyen, K. D., Doan, H. T. P., Hoang, H. T., Huynh, N. C. N., Hsu, M. L., & Wong, M. C. M. (2023). Developing and assessing the efficiency of VOSER software in recording dental caries according to WHO's criteria 2013. Journal of Dental Sciences.
  24. Obregón Rodríguez, N. Saúde oral en adolescentes. Estudo epidemiolóxico en Galicia (Doctoral dissertation).
  25. Pavlevska, M., Gjorgjievska, E., Jankulovska, M., Saveski, M., & Poposki, B. (2023). SALIVARY UREA AND pH OF NON-STIMULATED SALIVA IN CORRELATION WITH DENTAL CARIES INTENSITY. Academic Medical Journal, 3(3), 17-29.
  26. Piotrowska, D. E. (2022). Analiza korzystania ze świadczeń stomatologicznych w odniesieniu do czynników socjoekonomicznych w Polsce w latach 2010-2013.
  27. Pørksen, C. J., Keller, M. K., Damholt, A., Frederiksen, A. K. S., Ekstrand, K. R., Markvart, M., ... & Bakhshandeh, A. (2023). The effect of a lozenge combining prebiotic arginine and probiotics on caries increment in children during 10–12 months, a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Dentistry, 104599.
  28. Portocarrero, L. M. V., & Ramírez, M. J. C. R. Maestra en Administración. (2023)
  29. Rumianek, B., Hillman, R., Jeoffreys, N., Ghazanfar, S., Schifter, M., & Ajwani, S. (2023). Prevalence of oral HPV in the adult sample population in Sydney. Australian Dental Journal68(1), 19-25.
  30. Sharma, V., Crowe, M., Cassetti, O., Winning, L., O'Sullivan, A., & O'Sullivan, M. (2023). Dental caries in children in Ireland: A systematic review. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology.
  31. Shubayr, M. A., Kruger, E., & Tennant, M. (2023). Oral health providers’ views of oral health promotion in Jazan, Saudi Arabia: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research23(1), 214.
  32. Toker, E., Bekiroğlu Ergün, T., Turan, Z., & Göçebe, B. (2023). The effect of dental problems on pregnancy and birth outcomes in pregnant women registered in family health centers in a city center: a prospective study. Health Care for Women International, 44(10-11), 1299-1313.
  33. Varela, M. R. (2025). Avaliação dos hábitos alimentares e a sua relação com a cárie dentária numa população pediátrica na Ilha da Madeira (Doctoral dissertation, Egas Moniz School of Health & Science (Portugal)).
  34. Vieira, A. R., & Castro, R. D. D. (2023). Brazilian Dentistry is Among the Best in the World. Is it True?. Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada22, e210222.
  35. Yumbato Arellano, N. J. (2023). Nivel de Caries Dental en niños de 3 A 5 Años de edad según sexo en un Centro Educativo de la Ciudad de Iquitos–2022.
  36. Zumpe, L. (2023). Die Mundgesundheitssituation 12-jähriger Schulkinder in der ländlichen Region Ilembula im Südwesten Tansanias (Doctoral dissertation, Dissertation, Halle (Saale), Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 2023).
  37. 인자김, 동연이, 흥수이, & 효원오. (2023). Dental caries incidence in permanent teeth of 12-year-old children in Korea. Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health47(2), 80-84.
  38. 인자, 동연, 흥수, & 효원. (2023). 우리나라 12 세 아동 영구치아 간의 우식발생 연관성. J Korean Acad Oral Health, 1225(388X), 2093-7784.

Citations 2022

  1. Alia, D. (2022). Pengaruh Penggunaan Lembar Tempel terhadap Motivasi Waktu Menyikat Gigi yang Tepat dan Oral Hygiene pada Murid TPQ MDT Al-Abror Kampung Cigarukgak Desa Ciampanan Kecamatan Cineam(Doctoral dissertation, Politeknik Kesehatan Tasikmalaya).
  2. Alufa, O. O., & Lucero-Prisno III, D. E. (2022). Dental health promotion among Nigerian school children: Why a priority. Annals of Medicine and Surgery82.
  3. Álvarez Larrosa, R., Oroná Rodriguez, Y., Fabruccini, A., & Álvarez Loureiro, L. (2022). Tooth eruption and caries activity: is it a risk factor in adolescents?. Odontoestomatología24(39).
  4. Álvarez Larrosa, R., Oroná Rodriguez, Y., Fabruccini, A., & Álvarez Loureiro, L. (2022). Erupción dentaria y actividad de caries:¿ es un factor de riesgo en adolescentes?. Odontoestomatología24(39).
  5. Andari, S. E., Ghandour, L. A., Chaaya, M., & Ghafari, J. G. (2022). Oral health status in a Lebanese geriatric population. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal28(6), 425-433.
  6. Archuleta, J., & Beltrán-Sánchez, H. (2022). The Impact of Education and Insurance Status on Past-Year Dental Visits Among Older Mexican Adults: Results From the 2001 and 2012 Mexican Health and Aging Study. Journal of Aging and Health, 08982643221086586.
  7. Arguello Rivera, K. E. (2022). Uso adecuado de dentífricos fluorados en pacientes pediátricos(Bachelor's thesis, Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología).
  8. Barsoum, K. S. S., Hegazy, S. A., & Attia, N. M. Oral Health Needs Assessment of Geriatrics Living in Mansoura Center. (2022)
  9. Bayat, F., Vehkalahti, M. M., Akbarzadeh, A., & Monajemi, F. (2022). Varying Manpower Alters Dental Health in a Developing Health Care System. International Dental Journal72(3), 360-365.
  10. Bencze, Z. (2022). The burden and prevention of childhood caries in the European Union.
  11. Børsting, T., Venkatraman, V., Fagerhaug, T. N., Skeie, M. S., Stafne, S. N., Feuerherm, A. J., & Sen, A. (2022). Systematic assessment of salivary inflammatory markers and dental caries in children: an exploratory study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica80(5), 338-345.
  12. Brás, M. A. M. B., Brás, R., & Machado, D. (2022). Prevalence of dental caries in the school population of a municipality in the Northern Interior of Portugal. Journal of Integrated Health, 1-9.
  13. Chawłowska, E., Karasiewicz, M., Lipiak, A., Staszewski, R., Cofta, M., Biskupska, M., ... & Zawiejska, A. (2022). Oral Health Behaviours, Knowledge, and Literacy of Expectant Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Study among Maternity Ward Patients. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(18), 11762.
  14. Chisnoiu, R. M., Delean, A. G., Muntean, A., Rotaru, D. I., Chisnoiu, A. M., & Cimpean, S. I. (2022). Oral health-related knowledge, attitude and practice among patients in rural areas around Cluj-Napoca, Romania. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(11), 6887.
  15. Clarkson, J. E., Ramsay, C. R., Mannocci, F., Jarad, F., Albadri, S., Ricketts, D., ... & Lamont, T. (2022). Pulpotomy for the Management of Irreversible Pulpitis in Mature Teeth (PIP): a feasibility study. Pilot and feasibility studies8(1), 1-11.
  16. Conway, D.I., Robertson, D., & McMahon, A.D. (2023). Epidemiology of dental diseases. In Handbook of Epidemiology (pp. 1-35). New York, NY: Springer New York.
  17. Domazet, I. (2022). Oralno zdravlje studenata prve i pete godine studija Dentalne medicine Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu(Doctoral dissertation, University of Split. School of Medicine).
  18. Domingos, M. A. A. M., Mepatia, A. I., Xavier, C. N. H., Barrie, R. B., Naidoo, S., Marsicano, J. A., & Peres, S. H. D. C. S. (2022). Dental caries and periodontal diseases in Mozambique. Research, Society and Development11(1), e46511125221-e46511125221.
  19. Fabruccini, A., Larrosa, R. Á., Rodriguez, Y. O., & Loureiro, L. Á. (2022). Erupción dentaria y actividad de caries:¿ es un factor de riesgo en adolescentes?. Odontoestomatología24(39), 1-10.
  20. García-Quintana, A., Díaz, S., Cova, O., Fernandes, S., Aguirre, M. A., & Acevedo, A. M. (2022). Caries experience and associated risk factors in Venezuelan 6-12-year-old schoolchildren. Brazilian Oral Research36.
  21. Garg, S., Sharma, A., Gupta, P., & Gupta, N. (2022). Association of 2D: 4D Ratio (Hormonal Fingerprints) with Dental Caries and Malocclusion among 18–25-year-old Dental Students. Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry16(2), 74.
  22. Go, H., Park, T., Shin, A. R., Jung, Y. S., Amano, A., Song, K. B., & Choi, Y. H. (2022). Validity of a combination of periodontal pathogens and salivary biomarkers as predictors of periodontitis. Journal of Periodontal Research57(5), 1083-1092.
  23. Hamilton, A., Clarkson, J. E., Ramsay, C. R., Mannocci, F., Jarad, F., Albadri, S., ... & Lamont, T. (2022). Pulpotomy for the Management of Irreversible Pulpitis in Mature Teeth (PIP): a feasibility study. Pilot and feasibility studies8(1), 1-11.
  24. Jerliu, N. (2023). Të moshuarit dhe shëndeti oral: një perspectiveë e shëndetit public. Revista e Stomatologëve të Kosovës , 95.
  25. Karimi Jashni, Y. (2022). Identification of indicators for a WHO monitoring framework of the global oral health action plan.
  26. Kawashima, M., Kawabata, T., Ando, C., Sakuma, M., Aoyama, T., Ogawa, H., ... & Yurikusa, T. (2022). Radiation-Induced Xerostomia and Cariogenic Dietary Habits.
  27. Keser, E. (2022). Usporedba provođenja oralne higijene kod pacijenata bez fiksno-protetičkih radova i pacijenata s fiksno-protetičkim radovima (Doctoral dissertation, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. Faculty of Dental Medicine and Health Osijek).
  28. Koide, Y., Kataoka, Y., Hasegawa, T., Ota, E., & Noma, H. (2022). Protocol: Effect of systemic bisphosphonate administration on patients with periodontal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. BMJ Open12(3).
  29. Koide, Y., Kataoka, Y., Hasegawa, T., Ota, E., & Noma, H. (2022). Effect of systemic bisphosphonate administration on patients with periodontal disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol. BMJ open12(3), e057768.
  30. Korona-Glowniak, I., Skawinska-Bednarczyk, A., Wrobel, R., Pietrak, J., Tkacz-Ciebiera, I., Maslanko-Switala, M., ... & Mielnik-Blaszczak, M. (2022). Streptococcus sobrinus as a Predominant Oral Bacteria Related to the Occurrence of Dental Caries in Polish Children at 12 Years Old. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(22), 15005.
  31. Lovšin, Ž., & Artnik, B. (2022, January). Viri podatkov na področju ustnega zdravja v Sloveniji. In Informatica Medica Slovenica(Vol. 27, No. 1/2, pp. 20-26). Slovenian Medical Informatics Association (SIMIA).
  32. McKenna, G., Tsakos, G., Watson, S., Jenkins, A., Algar, P. M., Evans, R., ... & Brocklehurst, P. (2022). uSing rolE-substitutioN In care homes to improve ORal health (SENIOR): a study protocol. Trials23(1), 1-15.
  33. Oporto Flores, M. M. (2022). Relación entre el nivel de conocimiento de las madres en salud bucal y la higiene oral de niños con autismo que acuden al Centro médico San Gabriel de Ilo, 2020.
  34. Paredes, A. (2022). Relación entre la depresión y la higiene oral en gestantes que asisten al Centro de Salud Javier LLosa García del distrito Jacobo Hunter, Arequipa-2022.
  35. Pasupuleti, S. C. Reshaping Dentistry with the Help of Dental Informatics. MAR Dental Scinces5.
  36. Peters, A., Brandt, K., Wienke, A., & Schaller, H. G. (2022). Regional Disparities in Caries Experience and Associating Factors of Ghanaian Children Aged 3 to 13 Years in Urban Accra and Rural Kpando. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(9), 5771.
  37. Piotrowska, D. E. (2022). Analiza korzystania ze świadczeń stomatologicznych w odniesieniu do czynników socjoekonomicznych w Polsce w latach 2010-2013.
  38. Prokshi, R., Gjorgievska, E., Prokshi, B., Sopi, M., & Sejdiu, M. (2022). Survival Rate of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment Restorations in Primary Posterior Teeth in Children with High Risk of Caries in the Republic of Kosovo—1-Year Follow-up. European Journal of Dentistry.
  39. Rantanen, I. (2022). Suun terveydenhuolto ja suusairauksien ehkäisy Kiinan kansantasavallassa.
  40. Richard et.al.: Why is the Danish oral health system for children and adolescents so successful? French Journal of Dental Medicine, June 2022
  41. Rovayo Franco, R. A. (2022). Prevalencia de caries en pacientes pediátricos atendidos en la Facultad Piloto de Odontología (Bachelor's thesis, Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología).
  42. Santoso, C. M. A. DEBRECEN, 2022.
  43. Satyarup, D., Mohanty, S., Nagarajappa, R., Mahapatra, I., & Dalai, R. P. (2022). Comparison of the effectiveness of 38% silver diamine fluoride and atraumatic restorative treatment for treating dental caries in a school setting: A randomized clinical trial. Dental and Medical Problems59(2), 217-223.
  44. Schwarz, T., & Schulze, E. (2022). Mundgesundheit und mundgesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität in Österreich.
  45. Seeharach, O., Saensom, D., Sattayawong, K., & Panitchote, A. (2022). ผล ของ โปรแกรม การ ทำความ สะอาด ช่อง ปาก ต่อ สุขภาพ ช่อง ปาก และ อุบัติ การณ์ การ เกิด ปอด อักเสบ ที่ สัมพันธ์ กับ เครื่อง ช่วย หายใจ. Thai Journal of Nursing Council37(04), 36-51.
  46. ŠKOLOVÁ, Y. Porovnání systému prevence zubního kazu v ČR a ve Švédsku.(2022)
  47. Srivastava, R., Tangade, P., Singh, V., Jain, A., Agarahari, P., & Pandey, H. Dental Informatics: Current Challenges and Opportunities For Providing Advanced Care In Dentistry. (2022)
  48. Szőke, J., & Petersen, P. E. (2022). A fogszuvasodás előfordulása gyermekeknél: Pathfinder vizsgálatok Magyarországon 30 éven át: összefoglaló referátum. Fogorvosi Szemle115(4), 190-201.
  49. Vanka, S., Vanka, A., Wali, O., Chauhan, N. S., Alhazmi, L. S., & Alqazlan, A. A. (2022). Prevalence of Early Childhood Caries among the 3-5-year-old Children in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry15(Suppl 2), S197.
  50. Wagle Parajuli, M. (2022). Oral health in pregnancy: changes in oral bacterial milieu related to cariogenic bacterial load, oxidative stress and nitric oxide levels in the saliva and their effect on pregnancy outcome.
  51. Wang, Z., Rong, W., & Xu, T. (2022). Effect of Fluoride Varnish in Preventing Dental Caries of First Permanent Molars: A 24-Month Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health19(24), 16656.
  52. Watson, C., Rhein, L., & Fanelli, S. M. (2022). An American Perspective of the Dental and Public Health Initiatives in Cuba. Journal of Advanced Oral Research13(1), 14-21.
  53. Yenituran, B. (2022). 5-12 yaş arasındaki çocuklarda kullanılan diş fırçasının çeşidine göre fırçalama etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi(Master's thesis, Altınbaş Üniversitesi/Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü).
  54. 세환정. (2022). A study on trends of dental caries disparities according to household income level of children and adolescents using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Health46(2), 56-62.
  55. Казеко, Л. А., Абаимова, О. И., Сулковская, С. П., Никифоренков, Л. А., & Тарасенко, О. А. (2022). Коммунальная стоматология.

Citations 2021

  1. Agrasuta, V., Thumbuntu, T., Karawekpanyawong, R., Panichkriangkrai, W., Viriyathorn, S., Reeponmaha, T., ... & Tangcharoensathien, V. (2021). Progressive realisation of universal access to oral health services: what evidence is needed?. BMJ Global Health6(7), e006556.
  2. Aida, J., Fukai, K., & Watt, R. G. (2021). Global neglect of dental coverage in universal health coverage systems and Japan's broad coverage. International Dental Journal.
  3. Al Anouti, F., Abboud, M., Papandreou, D., Haidar, S., Mahboub, N., & Rizk, R. (2021). Oral Health of Children and Adolescents in the United Arab Emirates: A Systematic Review of the Past Decade. Frontiers in oral health, 67.
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Citations 2019

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  54. Santamaria, R. M., Schmoeckel, J., Basner, R., Schüler, E., & Splieth, C. H. (2019). Caries trends in the primary dentition of 6-to 7-year-old schoolchildren in Germany from 1994 to 2016: results from the German national oral health surveys in children. Caries Research, 53(6), 659-666.
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Citations 2018

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